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  1. Thank you Kbird1. Can you answer another question for me. All of a sudden my User catalog is gone. I know this has happened before. I got out of Chief and went back in and it is still gone. It is on my laptop still.
  2. I have a similar problem. Do I need to keep old versions data. I have X6 Data,X14 Data . Can I delete these and not loose anything? I use X15 now.
  3. I am experiencing this all of a sudden too. Both plans have bay windows too. Is this a X15 problem. I have used Chief for 23 years and it has never happened before.
  4. Premier X15 Using Windows 10 I have the same question, but I want to be able to see the exterior staircase I created on the main floor on the second floor. For years I have just had to draw lines in to show there are stairs going down. Thank you ahead for any responses.
  5. Chief X15 user Happy New Year. Today I walked away from my laptop, that I do have some problems with. My battery is not working so it has to be plugged in all the time, not sure if that has anything to do with it. Came back to computer after a couple hours and all my toolbars were missing. Looked at Toolbars and Hotkeys and there is nothing there. I checked my desktop, everything is fine. Can anyone tell give me any ideas why this is so. My libraries are stored on One Drive and when I look at One Drive it is uploading User_Library.calib. It will take a while but then it says its uploaded but my toolbars are still missing. Not sure what has happened. Thank you for any support.
  6. Ok, forget it, I knew I'd done it before. Dogear! I knew as soon as I posted it I,d find it.
  7. I use Chief X15 version. I think this is probably a really silly ask, spent an hour trying to find it. I need to chamfer garage door corners, like 12" , can't find it anywhere. I know I've done this before. Thanks ahead to anyone that can point me in the right direction.
  8. X14 User. I was just looking for more up to date grouped furniture. I would think X14 would have more than I had on my X6 version.
  9. Also, If I've drawn a plan that doesn't fit on the layout sheet , I have to reorient to fit. Then all my text has to be rotated, also any linework I add x,y is wrong.
  10. Omg, YES, under preferences. I had it turned off. Thank God I've been missing it. Why I want to rotate a plan, for instance I have a garage I can reuse on another job but just need to reorient it.
  11. X14 user. I am wondering if there is a way to rotate my plan and then change the x,y axis to match that rotation. I have also have a probably simple question. I have lost the tab at the bottom of my screen that shows current active layer and direction. Thank you in advance.
  12. X14 User. I am wondering if there is a way to isolate floor framing. Show addition framing and not the existing floor framing. Example: Showing framing for a living room addition and not the existing floor framing.