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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. I've done several jobs like this and would be happy to review your project.
  2. I've done several jobs like this and would be happy to review your project.
  3. ericepv

    X16 slow

    There are quite a few things that can cause your plan to run slow Have you done a disc cleanup recently? Do you have a 3D view open and is it set for PBR? Do you have other apps running that may be using up processing power? I had an issue with a slow file awhile ago that turned out to be caused by a reflective material that somehow got spec'd for the framing. Take a look at this article from the knowledge Base... You may need to get tech support involved. Hope this helps - Eric
  4. Renderings are my specialty, please contact me directly and I'll be happy to review your projects. You can view plenty of samples on my website or YouTube channel. Eric email sent
  5. I haven't been able to reproduce your problem on my system but I did note a couple of things... - try bringing your light sources down from the ceiling (I would go with 60" to start) - also, everything is way too bright & bring down the ambient light (to much makes the scene look flat) Those are the first things I would do but I'm on a PC and not a Mac so I don't know if that makes a difference. You should just experiment with your camera and rendering settings and also the intensity of your light sources. Hope this helps - Eric
  6. I opened the same camera view in X16, no glare... STD: PBR Which version of Chief are you using and what video card do you have? (Please take a few minutes to complete your signature with this info as it helps us to know your system specs when trying to diagnose a problem.) Eric
  7. You could create what you want from a polyline drawn onto your door panel which you can then turn into a new symbol. Here's a recessed panel door to which I added a gold inlay made from a polyline.
  8. I did this by drawing a polyline around the window opening (be sure to turn of interior casings) which I converted to a molding. i specified SM03 shoe molding and then aligned it to match the drywall. I also changed rte window frame depth to 5" (in a 6" wall).
  9. I've done many projects like this. Contact me to review the details and I'll be happy to prepare a quote. - Eric PM sent
  10. I've done many projects like this, give me a call to review. Contact info is in my signature. - Eric
  11. You can adjust the positioning of the tile using the 'Adjust material Definition' tool (the rainbow button). In the 'Texture' tab, adjust the tile in the 'Offset & Angle' section. Check out this article (scroll down to the '3 Texture')...
  12. I'm not a fan of OneDrive. I keep project files on my D drive with backups on both an external drive and IDrive .
  13. Try this... Open the DBX for your wall/railing In the 'Wall Types' tab, click on 'Define' Delete the exterior drywall layer
  14. Ditto what Rob suggested. If you can't find a molding to your liking in the Chief Library, check out these on 3D Warehouse...
  15. Auto dormers work well for this application... As Gene mentioned above, you may need to modify it to fit the space.
  16. When the 'Make Room Molding Polyline' box appears, your only choice is 'Blank'. Click 'OK' , select the molding (it should be automatically selected)and open the DBX. * When the DBX opens, go to the 'Moldings' tab Click 'Add New' and then select your molding *If you can't see the molding on your plan (and you are sure the layer is visable0, try increasing the line weight for the 'Moldings' layer. If you still can't get it yo work, post your plan Hope this works for you - Eric
  17. Once you click OK... the molding polyline should be selected automatically then you need to open the object manually. It will open to the moldings panel where you can then specify your molding. After you complete step 1, is the newly created molding highlighted and if not, can you select it manually?