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Everything posted by simonas

  1. It is set degrees as default, but it doesn't work...
  2. When entering new value I get this error message 2-3 times
  3. I'm having same problem with importing a pdf on my mac version...
  4. No I don't want separate layer for every item, but I want to control labels for all layers, now we have only those, which Chief give us. dshall I'm happy you understand my needs here please form this as a suggestion for X7 for me it's difficult to put it in english I do exactly same as you Ray, I have separate electrical text layer for electrical notes only, I'm very happy with how Chief handles our text notes, but I would like to see more options in layer labels as well.
  5. My angular dimensions have Minutes + Seconds as default Angle Style (not sure what is it) I would like to see degrees as default angle style is it possible to do so? and also I have 6 numbers after dot, can I make it to 2? Please see screenshots attached: Here I have 61.369465, how do you make 61.36 ???
  6. Thanks for your help, I got it, although it is quit useless. and yes I do use "control by text layer" for my texts. But this text style is not very useful I must say. Instead of it I would like to see "label text style" for this layer or something like this. So if you assign something to this layer it's layer can be controlled through this setting. This is just suggestion on how to fix this issue with labels for every different item in the plan. For example I would like to have sink for kitchen and sink for bathroom on different layers and show label for kitchen sink only. Now we don't have this flexibility. It's all on one fixtures layer.
  7. dshall, in the Windows layer I understand what line style does, as well as weight and color.. but text style? what text on windows layer? if I change it to some other, where do I see that difference if no text is on this layer.?
  8. Please see screenshot attached. Can anyone tell me what this text style is used for? I understand it with Window Label text style, but what about Window layer on any other that is not connected with any text
  9. I think I will go with iMac as well. Thank you all
  10. Open dimension defaults - locate objects - choose centers for objects you need.
  11. Thinking of Mac Pro 6-Core with 16GB DDR3 and Dual AMD FirePro D500 (3GB of GDDR5):
  12. Upgrading to more powerful Mac. Just wondering if anyone is using iMac or Mac Pro and which one is more suitable for Chief, I'm not IT guy, don't know much about cores and so on... so need help from you who knows it all. Just read that someone bought brand new table pc and were not happy with performance so want to check with you guys it it works well with Chief. Thanks in advance!
  13. Importing 3d to mac is a problem with dwg also. If it's blocked it imports as one big solid with one texture to it. You need to explode it to 3d solids in autocad, move selected solids to different layers and save it. Struggle, but that's what we have at the moment...
  14. I believe you don't want to have white background on dimensions text.?
  15. Then we have another problem: After sorting items to different Fixtures layers, we have one Fixtures, Labels layer that shows names for all of those items. We should have separate Label layers for each. Agree? Solution (maybe): in "Fixtures, Interior" layer we have "text style" column which now is ??? totally useless..!!! because all text is controlled though text layers. Please correct me if I'm wrong with this
  16. I agree about fillers, but cabinet person would still make it angled, not rectangle cabinet otherwise you get filler about 30-40cm in there. I wish they include this in X7
  17. Thank you all for help, I thought there is an easier way. I would like to see "material painter" tool with single wall mode. So I can paint a single wall without breaking walls, changing types and copying new ones. Its just a wall paint, please make it easier.
  18. Hi all, While we asking Chief to fix this... what is the easiest way to paint single wall in the room? And how do you calculate sq.m for paint? I can not find it in material list. there's only plasterboard meters...
  19. Is it possible to open block, make changes and save it back? Or it's necessary or explode and save it back each time
  20. HI all, How to make cabinets fit angled walls? I know we can angle front of the cabinet, but what about angled walls? Here is my screenshot with this angled wall on right. Merry Christmas everyone!
  21. Thank you for this suggestion, but when I make some tweaks with line shaping, after closing it doesn't set as default. So for another camera I have to do it again. Is there a way to set defaults for cameras? Fox example Glass House View I would like to have more black white, not blue colour, but it changes back after I close the camera.
  22. I use same. Have sent it as request. Hope Chief hackers will fix this. Thanks for help