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Posts posted by Kiwideziner

  1. Larry

    if you have the older installation files on your computer ( I keep all of mine ) you can just re run them to save the downloading.

    There seems to be a few differences in running programs on win10 compared to win7 as some settings are not turned on by defalt like they used to be.

  2. hi excuse my ignorance but what are side jamb extensions ? a quick sketch may get a quicker answer. regional terms can be a pain.


    Also a note as to what software and version would be heplful

  3. I have each detail in its own plan file suitably named and then located in a separate directory  with i.e. foundations, soffits etc sub-directories to easier locate them.

    My details in my finished layout are then a series of plan and pdf's. the only downside to this is if I alter a detail without changing the name it gets changed in all other projects where that detail has been used. this has worked well for me over the last 14 versions.

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  4. Steve

    as for part 1 if you have your pages data put into each page using the page layout information dbx and have checked show in index it should all work.

    the cross sections when sent to layout will auto show where they have been sent ie page number. need to be set up in the defaults as auto.

    the connectivity is nowhere as good as most other programmes thou.

  5. Rod

    I have just had to update my computer due to similar lags, my computer was 5 years old also. Each new version seems to stress the computer more mainly due to new functionality so hardware needs to be kept up to date.

    Also after 5 years there is all sorts of **** that gathers in the system.

    My old system was very similar to yours with an AMD phenom 980.

  6. I use plan notes stored in 1 location when they are used in numerous plans. Just remember not to move them or change their directory in any way.

    Also if you make a change to the text it will change in all locations it was used. If I need to change the text for a special instance I copy the plan to the project folder and then make the change,.

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  7. With Pdf it depends on their printed resolution, if they were created with a high dpi they should import well. What doesn't sound normal is importing a CA plan file in PDF it is far better to use the actual plan file.