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Posts posted by Kiwideziner

  1. Have been having odd crashes with X8 which i have not had for 2 or 3 versions. Have not yet been able to pin point a couse, but maybe the computer is getting a little long in the tooth at 3 years or so.

  2. Yes I saw that the other day with one elevation only, was in a hurry to get plan set out so just made them all line drawings. Have not had a chance to go back and see what was causing it.

    I have found the public beta to be way more unstable than the earlier releases, but nothing so far that I can consisantly reproduce to enable a bug report.

  3. Although in the past using a uncommon font has caused problems, check that all the text defaults for layer, style, etc are actually set to chosen font.

    The layer default is one that usually gets people.

  4. it appears it is showing the page number of the sheet you are editing,when you use the arrows after this it changes to the next higher or lower than the page displayed which is correct. Why it is displaying the number of the page being displayed is odd, I had not noticed it but then do not tend to use the project browser much anyway.

  5. Bear in mind that a new computer is not likely to solve Z-fighting issues.

    First thing to check is how far away fromm0,0 is your model? if a long way this can cause z-figthing otherwise check your cladding ,marterial thicknesses.