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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Yes, Gerry


    I use the room finish schedule for square footage analysis. When doing additions you just turn off "'include in schedule" and just the added area will be included.  Although, the final number is off by just a couple of s.f. b/c Chief figures the square footage to the center of the existing wall. I will never know why they did that. It's just wrong, but close enough to use.

  2. I use a template to start every new job using a basic setup and modify from that. My template plans (plan and layout) have a basic box house with a roof. My views are already sent to the layout so It ready to go.


    When I start a new plan ,I bring up a copy of that plan and layout and link them up. I then go to the plan start setting defaults for the new job i.e.. roof, stucco color, foundation etc.  I then layout the new plan shell and then adjust the views in the layout.  Because everything is already on the layout , you can forget about until your finished with the plan.  I do have to send the sections even though I already have section callouts in the plan, Chief needs to let us copy them so until they do I have several already waiting to be moved into place. You can always delete the ones you don't use, that's faster then trying to create more.


    I used to have several template plans but I have found that 1 basic template plan is just easier. I'm always updating it as I go along..

  3. Thanks to all for your input.  But inserting multiple cabinets to represent a single custom cabinet is not a viable solution and severe limitation of the application .  I design and build custom cabinets for custom homes.   Just looking for an easy solution to show clients a real situation and not having to use another CAD application.   .   Thanks again for every ones input

    I think your wrong on this, its very easy to do ,and what is the severe limitation. User error if you ask me

  4. Thx Perry would never have occurred to me to turn of the software rendering option in the  renderer dbx since Hardware texturing is enabled, I assumed that Software setting was referring to anitaliasing or something else so had turned them both up somewhat :)  unsurprisingly my 3D views seem to load faster now :)  .Was wondering why my 470 GTX was slow in CA but just fine in games etc, which is why i asked in the 1st place....Shadows are a killer though so maybe I'll need SLI after all for Final views.

    I don't think that Chief uses SLI ,so make sure before you buy. Also remember that renders use the video card and ray traces use the CPU.

  5. Scott,

    What do you know about toilet safety. Also the porcelain throne must be able to withstand the massive forces that some people throw down upon it, not even saying about what's required in  the floor structure. The hole size also needs to be a large one, for those embarrassing moments when a regular hole just won't do.

  6. Swing it out just incase you have a medical problem while sitting on the pot. If the door swings in, they wouldn't be able to open it and would have to cut it out. Yes, I really think of these things. I started doing all those that way a long time ago.

  7. Bryce,


    I'm at a loss why chief would R&L a garage door in the first place. This is another example of the short comings of the the way Chief handles door schedules. Dan or someone should hop on this and make door schedules much more user friendly. I'm not sure if it is a code problem which would take a major rewrite or what, but I for one would like to see changes.



    Yes, I have been adding "overhead or roll up in the comment section.

  8. The drag handle for the label is pretty small in my opinion.  I would like to see it bigger so you can easily grab it without having to zoom in to find it.

    Yes ,you have to zoom in to see it sometimes, to me it just another click that is not needed.

  9. With your computer spec's, I don't see it as a computer problem, something else is giving you problems, maybe an old program or windows update, who

    knows. Network problem? Video card driver update?