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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. I sometimes do trusses with conventional framing, like if the existing house is trusses and the addition is conventional .There has been a bug around for years now that if you had conventional framing on a second floor, the program would delete some of the trusses below, so I had to fake that part. All of my Builder clients will not buy trusses for an addition. I do know that if you have a partial plan that has trusses, the conventional part will automatically fill in with rafters/ c.j. when you frame it.

  2. Without the truss base the rafters will go to the lower rafters unless you have something else going on. Actually for me, it

    would be easier to just place a new truss base and drag your trusses up the truss base. Maybe it doesn't copy and paste well.

    I'll look and see if there is a video somewhere, or just make one.

  3. That's nice, it works ok for me b/c the reason for a watermark on my plan is to try to keep someone from copying it. I also don't use anything with a solid black color and print in grayscale, it seems to work good that way, but I understand everyone has their own thing going on, and the watermark might not show in every s.i. instance. I also place it (in front) very large almost a full sheet size so there is no question about what it is. Light gray (barely readable) color is the key

  4. @Drawzilla,, did you get this to work without having to create a new material list?  I have tried F12 but that does not update it.


    I have the plan and the material list open in split view.


    please send details.

    If you say that f12 doesn't update the materials list, I believe you, but it should because it updates the plan. Say you change the floor joists to 2x12 from 2x10, are you saying the floor joists don't change in the materials list.?  Remember I never use the materials list, but if that is broken then No-one should use it ever. It may not update if its open.

  5. I'm running a GTX 680 and i'm gonna SLI another GTX 680 I have on order. I already have my sandy bridge OC'd to 4 Ghz and i may push that up to 4.2 but i'm not too sure about pushing it and will need to make sure i can get good stability.I was running as administrator and that was making the help file open up fast but now Park has got me freaked out about leaving that setting on so I took it off and of course now i have to wait nearly a full minute for the help file to open up.  I'll let you know if I find any better performance with double the GPU power.

    I don't think Chief utilizes the full power of an SLI setup, at least in the past they said they don't.

  6. Bill, I know that answer is good if you do it the standard way, but somehow Ron is using a macro for his door labels,

    unconventional so I would have to play around with it to see if it even could be fixed.

  7. More money means they can work on the programming longer and have more of them, Chief always does their best with what they have. Everyone always works on making things faster. Chief is actually working pretty good for me but I have decent equip, that also has a lot to do with it.