Polyline Lables


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I use polylines and the new polyline labels feature added to X8 quite frequently.  I draw up a lot of 2D roof layouts that aid in figuring materials for re-roof jobs.  Is it possible to change the layer that the label for the polyline is drawn on?  I don't even know if CA has the capability?  Ideally I would like to have the polyline labels be on the layer that I choose.







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No, but if you use the Roof Planes instead of creating new Polylines, the Labels will be on the Roof Plane Labels layer.  These new Labels are available for all Polyline based objects.  Note also that Roof Planes have Ruby Attributes for more than just one area - Surface, Projected and Overhang are all available.

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You can assign the polyline itself to any layer you want. Then turning off that layer turns off the label for it. Set the line properties to white if you only want the label to show.

More often I'm using psolids with a label, blocked so I can get it into a schedule-in that case I usually set it to below the surface of the floor with white lines.

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