Sliding Glass Door in a Pocket?


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Totally a custom installation.  Chief won't do a 2 panel Pocket Door where both slide to the same side. and it also won't do a Sliding Door where both Panels slide into a pocket.


The way I would do it would be to use a 2 Panel Pocket Door with a Pocket on each side.  The Doors would meet at the center.

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I just have to ask - is that detail suggesting that the newly framed (furred) wall to contain the pocket actual abruptly ends to the right?   When I looked at that detail I couldn't understand why someone would do that.  how would that edge be finished?

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Just like any corner on a siding clad wall, with inside & outside corner molding.

Or did you prefer a miter wall segment. :)  Just kidding.


I suppose you could extend that new wall 30 more feet to smooth things out.

But this old farm house is quite ragged as it is. Why the pocket slider I have no idea, kinda crazy if you ask me.

I have never seen the house in person, just a few photo's. The GC gave me a hand drawn remodel plan.

He did use a ruler though.

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  • 9 years later...

Late to the party but I just had a similar problem...  I put in the slider which goes through the double wall then added another slider with 0 doors (I guess a "doorway" would do the same) right next to it but made it not go through the double wall so it was only in the exterior wall.  This shows the framer what to do.  I my case I had an open pocket so the doorway was fine.  In your case I would use a pocket door next to the slider.

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