Editing A Chimney


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Gosh it's been a  l o n g  time since I've been around ver 10. I believe that you can do this by 2 ways in ver.10.

1. in elevation view(s) pull the top of the walls up to where you want them

2. on the 2nd floor, put a room labeled "Open Below" over the 1st floor chimney. Be sure to open that room and mark it for no ceiling/roof.


Sorry that I don't remember when the dialog boxes changed. Hope that this is helpful, but you need to reward yourself with ver. 17. You'll experience a learning curve, but it will be made up by the improvements in work flow.

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There are several approaches depending on what you are doing for the fireplace and chimney. I don't have access to V10 anymore. I can't get the hardware lock to work with Windows 8. Would be happy to do an online meeting with you and look at your computer though.

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I don't think that fireplaces have changed since ver. 10, but the question is hard to figure out, if you mean the fireplace that's one thing, and the chimney has always been a p-solid. If you are talking about the fireplace just make it higher from the fireplace DBX, if it's a p-solid chimney, just drag it up. It all depends on how you made it.

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polyline solid or in the real old days.......soffits.  There is no way to get CA's chimney to look like even the most basic chimney around here without polyline solids or sofffits or other symbols.  Inside view yes, outside, not even close.

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I don't think that fireplaces have changed since ver. 10, but the question is hard to figure out, if you mean the fireplace that's one thing, and the chimney has always been a p-solid. If you are talking about the fireplace just make it higher from the fireplace DBX, if it's a p-solid chimney, just drag it up. It all depends on how you made it.

I don't think they've changed since CA 97. 

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