Trying to Re-Create a Flat Roof to Shed Roof


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I'm trying to recreate this flat to shed roof off the front of the house, but not quite sure how to do it. Do I need to create a roof plane on each level for the shed roof?


I've attached my plan with what I have come up with but stumped on how to get the attic walls to show on levels 2 and 3.



Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 4.05.52 PM.png



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  • StephenM changed the title to Trying to Re-Create a Flat Roof to Shed Roof
19 hours ago, CharlesVolz said:




2. Add a wall on floor 3.

3. Connect flat roof to shed roof. Delete ridge from the flat roof.

4. Use a single roof plane for the shed roof and roof holes.

Thanks Charles. Got it figured out! 


I do have one more question. Just curious as to why a portion of this ceiling is lower? See attached photo. Thanks again for your help on this roof! 

Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 2.24.24 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 2.26.30 PM.png

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