Help with Cathedral ceiling with flat at top (framing doesn't show right)


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I'm having an issue with crating a sloped ceiling with a flat surface at the top. I've tried different ways and cannot get the framing to work the way it should. I've attached a screenshot as well as what it "should" look like. unnamed.thumb.jpg.6935d33e0924705759968ba9d2823777.jpg1827422170_Screenshot2025-03-08074758.thumb.png.5087e95e33fc86ea518e5162f035d751.png


I don't think I've updated my signature, but I'm using x16. P.S. If you have a solution, a video would be most helpful, but I'll take any help I  can get! I know the ceiling planes are of, but I can't seem to get it to work so I was trying anything!




PLAN 1 3-4-2025

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Hi Susan. Step 1 is to make the ceiling planes meet correctly. Currently, you have the sloped planes meeting at a peak. Instead, pull the tops down and join the upper edge of the sloped ceilings to the flat ceiling. That will mostly correct the framing, at least as far as auto-framing can take it.



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This is perfect! Thanks! I haven't worked a lot with poly lines, so this will be a great practice! One question. The walls at the end, how do I get them to properly stop without framing through into the attic space? I tried extending the ceiling plane, which makes the top of the wall stop, but then the ridge gets a little long (stays with the plane length). Would I just manually adjust the length of the beam?


Thank you so much for the video! We have hand drawn for years, so making the program do what we would do in the field can be challenging! 



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11 hours ago, BerthaLee said:

The walls at the end, how do I get them to properly stop without framing through into the attic space?

Steve definitely understood what you were after better than I did, whoops! I combined his methods and addressed this new question. Your adjusted plan file is attached and I'll add a brief description here. The walls in the Attic were not Attic Walls, so they weren't behaving quite right. Anyhow, inspect the adjustments and hopefully it gets the framing a bit closer to what you have in mind.

PLAN 1 3-4-2025 square.7z

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