Bay window....elevation view issue with siding under bay window


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For some reason in my elevation view the siding is getting removed from under the bay window. 


It looks correct in the floor plan and 3d view.


Anyone know how to fix my elevation view?


Thanks for the help.

bay window.png

bay window 3d view.png

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3 hours ago, Jambruins said:

Anyone know how to fix my elevation view?


I wasn't able to make the program fix that automatically, because you have a lot of problems with the model, starting with the first floor having no floor structure:




....due to the Default settings for Floor 1:




Open that, you have "Floor Supplied by Foundation Room Below" checked which does not build a floor structure for the first floor:




Uncheck it to set floor structure settings. That doesn't affect existing rooms so you'll need to open each room and change this setting to correct the model. You can select and change all the rooms at once using the Match Properties tool.


Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the wall beneath the bay window, I stopped trying because I couldn't get it to work automatically. At this point it might be easier to patch that but you probably should still fix the floor issue since this won't work IRL. And you have other problems, non-default wall top and bottom heights, etc that need to be addressed... you can correct some of that under Edit > Reset to Defaults...




Edit, you should update your signature since this is an X16 file.



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