Doorway with drywall


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I need to add future doorway opening framing provisions.

Is there any way to use the doorway opening tool and have it NOT delete the drywall over the opening?

If the door opening tool can't be coerced, any suggestions on how to accomplish this (short of manual framing)?


Thank you, in advance, for your kind assistance.




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20 minutes ago, moreauj said:

future doorway opening framing provisions.

I'm not sure, but I would think there would be some manual components to it.  Why is this needed is the first question, like is this for a future expansion?  I guess how I would do it, is to put in a door opening, without jamb, casings, etc..  this will get you a framed doorway w header.  Then manually, add the framing to enclose it, and drywall per side.  This shouldn't take to long.  I'd make it a block too, so if the door moves, you can move the internal components with one pick.


Other than that, looking at the door dbx, I am not seeing another option, BUT there are many on here who are well versed in Chief that might know.. 


My $.02.

Good luck.

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Another option would be to add your door to the wall, then select for retain wall framing in that wall's dbx, then remove the door. You'd have to manually add a piece of bottom plate and a stud or two in the opening if you really wanted your temporary framing to be accurate. But typically it's just a comment on the plan as Jason said.

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