how do you select different grass types for grass regions?


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There are a number of different types of grass to use for grass regions, but when you create a grass region, you don't seem to be able to choose. What am I doing wrong? Or has anybody else dealt with this?

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When you create a "grass region", the program generates the grass for you.  You can change the way it looks by changing the various settings.  If you have made one you like, you can add it to the library and then place it into other plans.  You can't apply a grass material to it though.


You can also create a normal terrain feature and apply a grass material to it.  The grass region will look much more realistic though.




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Just to be clear, Chief has some grass materials in the library and these can't be applied to grass regions but they can be applied to other objects, like terrain features. Chief also has a bonus library of grass regions that can be downloaded and then you can place them directly into a plan.  You can also create your own custom grass regions in a plan and add them to your library for re-use in other plans.


I misunderstood your original question and thought you were trying to apply a grass material to a grass region.


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