V16, Corner pocket SGD's - door to door, exterior


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Is there a way to do exterior corner pocketed SGDs instead of work-arounds?  Like glass to glass, except door to door, similar to these photos, with and without exterior casing.  Thought I saw here and saved it (from a couple+ years ago) how to accomplish - not finding.  Attached is a small file that shows the corner for a current plan.

 332003185_cornerdoors.jpg.7ac763e39682e51997c48d5a7eb2c317.jpg  493344712_cornerdoors2.jpg.84d4ec7cb67f514a448905636fd3e412.jpg

Corner Pocket Door to Door, Exterior.plan

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18 hours ago, kauai7 said:

Is there a way to do exterior corner pocketed SGDs instead of work-arounds?


Nope.  But there are some decent workarounds.  I shared one here:


Here's a modified version of that same example plan a little closer to what you're doing.  The key pieces are the pass through openings and the secondary walls to hold the pocket doors.  If you want to show the pockets in your walls, you'll have to do that with CAD. 



Pocket Corner.plan

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Michael - ALL RIGHT!!!!  I am going to play with this.  Closer is mo' bettah!!!!
I was kinda thinkin' that you had a post on this & Yup!!!  

Many Mahalo's!!!!

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