Importing Terrain from DWG


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Hi all,


I know this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any solutions in all the old threads I found. My surveyor sent me the attached files which I have been trying to import as terrain in CA for hours now. I've gone through all the videos online and I can import it just as a CAD file fine, but then when I try to map the contour layers to terrain info, I get nothing. I then tried using the csv file, but the X and Y numbers are way off compared to the Z which seems correct in feet?


I would much appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction!

4220-01 Existing Conditions 20250117.dwg 4220-01 Topo Points.csv

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Importing terrain dwg files can be an effort if you do not know how the surveyor mapped the layers -and- if they have all the data.  I successfully imported your dwg file; it appears that the ‘V-PROP-BDY’ is your permitter; it well extends past your CONT-MAJOR / MINOR lines.  I did not see any actual elevation data in those lines so it’s a flat lot.  You might go back to the surveyor and see if they can re-export the file.


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The 3D data is in the DWG file.  You can see it using TrueView's Named Views or 3DORBIT command.



The data is locked inside of a cad block on C-TOPO.  To test this, 

  • If you import only C-TOPO you get nothing.
  • If you import only CONT-MINOR and CONT-MAJOR you get nothing.
  • Importing all 3 gives you the contours inside a CAD block with no elevation data.

There appears to be blocks on other layers as well, and there is no boundary polygon to import as a terrain perimeter.  

Have your surveyor resend the DWG unblocking the CONT-xx layer contours. 


See Also,


Both state Chief only imports Model Space items and cad blocks all Paper Space items.


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