How to make the two roofs meet


Go to solution Solved by JiAngelo,

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Probably the easiest (assuming you're strictly auto building this roof) is to make two Attic unspecified* rooms on either side of that room on Floor 2.

Setting the Ceiling Height of those attic rooms will adjust the height the roof planes build.


*Correction, just two rooms. Rooms set to "Attic" room type will do what you have in that picture. Just leave them unspecified.

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  • Solution

For the eaves to match at the front porch and to use autoroof, Make the garage and middle room above roof planes all 12/12.  Don't build those attic rooms just yet.

I personally then lower the room above ceiling to 4' 1 1/8" ceiling height (the minimum I generally want my room above sidewalls to be)



It was luck this worked first time around.  My garage was 24' wide and the room was 12' wide centered above.  Next step is to see how much wider I can make the room.  Turns out 14' is too wide, but 13'8" works fine.



If I'm ready to lock the roofs on the entire house, then I uncheck automatic roofs and set the ceiling height back to std. in this room.  Chief then draws the slope start lines automatically.


If the room was being used for storage, I might lower the walls to 37 1/8" and that would allow the room to be even wider.  This is the only way I've found to control the sidewall heights.  There's another method that draws the walls under the roof regardless of the sidewall height - it just does whatever makes it work and then I have to compare elevations to figure out heights.


Alternatively some room truss designs require the side rooms so that a 10" bottom chord extends the entire length.  Using Kellyh's method, In the side rooms I would set the room height anywhere from 1.5" to 7.5" - unfortunately the overhangs won't align with a front porch unless you raise the porch roof - which is a problem if there are windows above to consider.  


I've never been happy with the attic room results unless the room is alone on a floor by itself.



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