Manage Archive Folder [again]


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This inability for CA to consistently "manage archive folder" when the number of plan or layout files exceeds the variable number we set, is frustrating at best.

Since it is not consistent for everyone and each OS, I suspect it is a subtle setting in Windows or Chief that brings this up time and time again.

As a Beta tester I get used to these quirks, but this one is never fun.  Like most people I just ignore the issue and move on until something tells me I need to delete a few hundred giga-bytes of archived files.

The last X16b version was working well and did call up the windows folder dialog box, allowing me to then "manage" those archives.

Now the most recent update did something to cause this error to pop back up again.

So I called into the SAS support and was surprised that the helpful Expert was able to recreate this problem.

I'm just surprised nobody else brought this up?  Or did I miss that post?

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I have it set at 30 and find it rarely bothers me but as you mention YMMV on this.


I have never worked out why sometimes it will open explorer ( as expected) and other times nothing happens.




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The warning pop-up appears to be hit or miss. 


After a few 'no thank you(s)', the command prompt for maximum saves appears to ignore opening the archive folder altogether. 


Regarding number of saves... the more the better.


You can screen capture them and save as a time sheet of sorts. 


These days most computers are so chock full or memory capacity, that it doesn't bog down the system in order to store dozens of archives. 

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