Phantom Cabinet


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Does anyone have experience with phantom cabinets or other items?  There is "extra" hardware and countertops showing in my wall elevation view, but I don't know where they are coming from.  I moved everything around to see if I could find anything hiding, but I found nothing.  I've attached a screenshot so you can see what I'm referring to.  There is also something in front of the range that I have no idea what it is.  I am using version X12.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Screenshot 2024-06-25 134931.jpg

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Wont let me add file.



There is a size limit for files on this forum and most plans will be too big.  So do a "save as" and delete everything that isn't related to the problem.  Then "zip" the file to compress it and make it smaller.  You need to make sure you do this when the plan is not open in Chief or it won't work.


As for your problem, I got nothing.  Really need to poke around the plan to see what is going on.



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As for Erin's original problem, the only thing I can think of is that maybe your camera is seeing hardware for cabinets behind your camera instead of what you are looking at?  If this is the case, you might just need to move the camera a little bit forward.




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6 hours ago, MMeabrodE said:

Wont let me add file

First try- File, backup entire plan, backup plan files only and send backup files to zip archive.


Not usefuil if your textures are needed for answer but otherwise works often.

For instance I just used that to upload a file that shows to be 4.71 MB but once backed up without anything was 711KB.

If that doesn't get it small enough strip out everything but that room and the one right behind it, everything, then save as, the backup.

No point in guessing without a plan file.

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