Creating 2nd floor over the garage


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I am having trouble creating  a second floor over a garage.  I drew the whole house and I saved the file as the "before remodel". then I saved the file as a remodel and starting making changes. The house was a 2 story with a one story attached garage on the left side. they want to turn that garage into living space and add a media room above.  So I recreated the garage into living space and called it "kitchen" . I tried to just have CA add a second floor above but because there was already a second floor it would not do that.  So I just extended the 2nd floor walls over the new kitchen area but it will not recognize it as a room.  And it does not put a floor in the room.  and when I try to do "auto build roof"  It does the roof on the second floor but it puts the roof on the lower first floor walls of the kitchen and ignores the new walls in added above for the media room.

What am I missing or doing wrong?


cortes 4302 N. Orchard remodel plans 2nd floor.pdf

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Post the actual plan file so we can see what you did. I have done thousands of additions without any problems, it might just be how you put it together or settings. it would also be easier to read if the new and existing walls were different color fil.

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