Problems with X16 - Export of Cross Section/Elevation?


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Hi There,

I recently downloaded the X16 Beta.  I noticed today that when I try to export a jpeg of a cross section, that some of the section details (cabinet labels, and outline of structure get shifted, and overlaid.



When I Export, I have 'Use Active Window Size' Checked, and nothing else.

I've tried playing with these settings, though still have the same result.

I've attached a couple of pics.


Is anyone else having this problem?




test 3 export from chief.jpg

test 3 snip of actual section.PNG

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I assume you are just using "file-export picture" directly from the cross section view.  I have not seen a problem like this and it is possible that this is related to your video card.  Try updating your drivers to see if it magically goes away.  If not, then you could try posting the plan to see if anyone else gets the same problem.  The other thing you might want to do is report this to tech support.


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Yes, I'm using the file-export picture function, and have tested on numerous plans, so it is not plan specific.  My video card has not changed, and X15 and prior versions have no issue with this same function.  Thanks for the tips though.  Perhaps tech support is the way to go.


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