Incorrect suare footage showing


Go to solution Solved by TeaTime,

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I'm using a very old edition of Chief Architect (X1 from 2007).  After starting to suspect some dimension problems, I drew a plan 100' x 50' containing no interior dividing walls.  Outer walls are 1' thick.  Since wall dimensions are defaulted to surfaces, I expected Living Area to show as 5000 sq. ft.  However, it shows 5163 sq. ft.  Don't know whether there's a setting I may have somehow overlooked, there's a bug in the program or it just aged out of reliability.


Thanks for your ideas for a possible solution.

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39 minutes ago, JiAngelo said:

Any chance you are measuring room area to surface materials vs wall face? 

51' 1" x 101' 1" = 5163sf.

6.5" of exterior materials like brick/stone and an air gap? 


I'm old school I do it by hand and draw rectangles.

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  • Solution

In my experience the program is never (rarely?) wrong in these calculations, it's just sometimes unclear what is being calculated, or how.

I have no idea if X1 had this but I assume it did, but a Living Area polyline will show you exactly what's being calculated.


They have an article on this:

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Thanks, TeaTime.  That article answered my question.  Measurements are from the main layer of external walls rather than the surface.  In the old version I have, there's no way to change the setting to the actual inner surfaces as shown in the article.  If I draw the same 100' x 50' outline using interior walls instead of exterior, the area correctly displays as 5000 sq. ft.


Thanks to JiAngelo as well.

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