extended crown molding


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In this bathroom renovation I have this hole in the ceiling and the crown molding peering into the raised floor shower. I can set back the invisible wall in the cabinet direction to shorten the molding and fill the hole in the ceiling.


But when I do that, I get the shower floor wrapping around the corner.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance


P.S. It would also be great if I could turn off the lighting under the cabinet's corner.I tried turning the pendant light off with no success. (roof and foundation are built) :)



extended moulding.jpg

floor warping.jpg

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7 hours ago, DanielleDubuc said:

What am I doing wrong

So do you want the crown molding wrapped all around (into the shower), but not have the shower floor move like your attachment shows?  Is that a step up shower, hard to tell?


As far as the lighting at the cabinet floor, I would first try moving that pendant just a tad, hard to say.  Can you put backsplash on the side to see if that helps?  Maybe move the cabinet off the wall and put a filler piece in?  Change sun location sometimes does the trick too.  This is one of the things I struggle with too, lights from no where.  


Cool sink and faucet btw...

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Thanks for your answer Michael. I realize I didn't send the right image. I want the crown molding to stop at the corner, not going into the shower. The shower floor is actually a step up due to the1st floor staircase under it. So it is limited with invisible walls. When I move the invisible wall to align it with the shower wall, I get a king of floor step around the corner. And when I move the wall inward to eliminate that corner step, I get a hole in the ceiling and a cut molding. I would like molding to end at the corner and the shower floor to be flush with the wall.


Also, the backdrop intensity was causing that light under the cabinet even if the "Use backdrop image when available"  was not checked on. I set that intensity from 2000 to 200 and there is no more light. :)


I attached an image of the plan that might help and the corrected 3Ds


Thanks a lot!

Shower plan.jpg

floor wraping.jpg

extended moulding.jpg

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Thank you Greg. I forgot about disconnecting the molding section.  It didn't ended with what I was expecting. So I ended by filling the molding end ant the hole in the ceiling with a 3D solids. ;)  


Thank a lot for your answer! It will be useful for the next time.

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