Low DPI layout printing


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When I send a layout to the printer I get a warning telling that "Printer DPI value is low: 96 DPI". When I try to modify the DPI value, there is nothing else thant 96 in the drop down menu.


But when I send the plan file of the same drawing to the same printer, I get  600 DPI.


Can someone tell me if there is a way to set the layout printing to a higher DPI?


Thanks in advance



Print from layout.jpg

Print from plan.jpg

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11 hours ago, MPDesign said:

Hi Danielle,

Try using "Chief Architect save as PDF" in the printer dropdown.

then print the pdf to your printer. 



This is a good suggestion Michael, it's what I currently do. But I would really like to print right from the layout and save a little time. :)

Thanks  for the suggestion.

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