Help needed with exterior door


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Can someone please help me.  Why is the door showing up with a space under it when I set the "from finish floor to bottom" offset to zero.  When I change this figure to something like 1/8" it then creates a white portion where the threshold would be even though this is turned off and also Z fighting with my floor finish at the exterior wall face.  Did not have this issue with x14. 


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I have attached the plan file for this issue that seems to be in x15 for it does not exist in x14 or x13.  I have notice that it came with the new specification Panel Size (label 2) in x15 door specification panel.  This happens when I have my finish floor to bottom set to 0 (label 1), if I change this to maybe 1/16 it then adds a bottom casing below the door as well as a white box which appears like a threshold, but it is not.   I have attached an image of the setting box indicating some of my settings. 

Screenshot 2024-04-13 184912.jpgDoor Issue.plan

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Take a look at the cross section view.  That is the floor slab under the door.  In X14, the floor would butt into the stem wall and in X15 the stem wall is lower and floor slab builds on top of it.  It is really only noticeable because you painted your concrete walls blue and your floor slab is still grey.


I don't know if there is a way to make the floor slab work the same way that it did in X14 but you can change the floor slab to use a concrete material that is blue instead of grey.

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