Elevation Macro


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Hello, I am curious if a macro can be used in an elevation camera and layout callout, to specify the room name and cardinal direction. The hope is that this will automatically name the camera and put the name on the callout. I have been able to get the label to generate on the callout when I name the camera, but I am just trying to stream line anything I can, example below, thanks in advance!


Kitchen - North Wall



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  On 4/4/2024 at 7:58 PM, SHCanada2 said:

the other thing you can do is just have a bunch of named cameras on your template, and then only use the ones you need


Leadcarpo messaged me direct, thank you @tpeck23
response was you would need a custom north point. Would suggest everyone put a plus one on 

Other response was just switch to "left right" instead of east west and save those in template.


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