Coloured Floorplan


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Orthographic Overview> Camera Angle 90°/Tilt Angle -90 > Standard View> Daytime Ambient 100%> check hand drawn lines on top all with min. values.> generic sun set to 25000lux, tilt angle -88°> send to layout and send to back.

Also send a floor plan view set to front for wall poche fills and room labels


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12 hours ago, agriffiths said:

Hey everyone! I have tried all my settings but I don't seem to be creating what I want.

Is there a way to create something like this in CA? Its just a plain 2d floorplan with furniture but in colour.



Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 20-40-54 floor plan 2d interior design - Google Search.png

Orthographic floor view - Top View camera position. Turn off walls. Take a screen shot. Import the picture back into a CAD sheet in CA. Make CAD lines for "Doors Swings" and white CAD boxes for the windows - place as needed. This will get you close. 1st pic is vector view, the second is water colour/color ... whichever team you want to choose lol.


Note: your floor under the walls will show through when the walls are turned off. This example is from a house on a concrete slab and shows gray. OSB or whatever your sub-floor will show through on a wood floor system in which you may want to adjust the sub floor colour to suit your needs. Maybe someone won't want gray but may prefer grey.....


1330944402_DownviewPicture.thumb.png.447156016a81a50ba89a05b42fbcfbcc.png 1228312473_DownviewPicture2.thumb.png.63249a6cb599c0cebab4b210ef20d34f.png

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13 hours ago, agriffiths said:

Hey everyone! I have tried all my settings but I don't seem to be creating what I want.

Is there a way to create something like this in CA? Its just a plain 2d floorplan with furniture but in colour.



Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 20-40-54 floor plan 2d interior design - Google Search.png

This might be a little easier...

Take the screen shot (this is standard camera view), it is really important to make sure the picture is square (use the cross hairs against a wall) and turn off all the items that you do not want to see again like walls, terrain, footings, etc. Import the picture directly on your working plan. Use the resize button to make the picture building is the same width as your plan (the whole thing will resize). Use the snap point to point button to place the picture directly over top your plan. Make a separate layer set with the few items you want to see with desired line colours / weights. You may need to adjust the view draw order (button also found on the same tool bar) to see the plan through the picture box, mine worked properly the first time. Send to layout as a picture.


1691892292_MakeLayerset.thumb.png.2b3595d706f6737caa31df5804facb0d.png 928747332_PDFOverlay.thumb.png.12a314acc5d8ba7e7259a46f140f77b1.png

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