Can auto roof on top plate above ceiling joists be done?


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Is there a way to set up auto roof to be done ontop of the ceiling on a perimeter plate? I need it for a portion of my roof design, not the entire project. So it can't be a setting for the entire project. Just a few walls.

See attached.

Screen Shot 03-01-24 at 10.14 AM.JPG

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1 hour ago, DRAWZILLA said:

yes just set your roof planes as high as you need them the studs above the ceil. jsts will generate for you with attic walls on automatic

Yeah, but that's for doing manual roofs. If you do that and then hit auto roof it gets deleted and redone on top of the lower top plate. (Attached). I though there was a way to tell Chief to frame it at a higher plate height (without adding a silly false floor above like GeneDavis's solution).

Screen Shot 03-01-24 at 12.22 PM.JPG

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27 minutes ago, GeneDavis said:

I just tried doing this by creating a second floor, floor structure like a ceiling structure, i.e. no sheathing, 2x6 joists, made the height of the "floor" 1.5", and autoframed with 2x10 rafters.  Comes out just right.

Thanks Gene. I was hoping for something more automatic, but this works. I thought Chief had incorportated something like this for their roof module since almost every old style CapeCod house is built like this.

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