Torus (Donut Solid Shape)


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Here's a way to create a Torus Solid that can interact with other Primitive Solids or Shapes using the boolean operations.


1.  Create a Cylinder or Cone

2.  Explode that object

3.  Delete all faces except one circle

4.  Determine x/y/z coordinates of the circular face - or move it so it's the desired distance from (0,0,0)

5.  Select the Rotate Icon on the Edit Toolbar

6.  Set the axis of rotation and the center of rotation.

7.  Rotate the face 360 degrees.


You now have a Torus that can be used with other solids and the boolean operations (add, subtract, intersect).


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There are some torus's in the lib.X7 in the Shapes section. I just did a catalog update and there were lots of changes to the core and others.

True, but they are not compatible with the Solids Boolean Operations.  The one's in the Library are actually Symbols and who knows exactly what method was used to create them in the first place.  IAE, as Symbols they don't have the same options as the Primitive Solids.

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