Drywall below my top cord of the truss?


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This worked as you said in that simple model I put together from a Save As of the real model. I am unable to rid myself of extra ceiling layers in the real model using this same technique as hoped. I am sharing an image of the porch covered roof where the extra layers are visible end on. This model is quite large, but if you (or anyone) need it to check what is going on, I will simplify it and share it out.


Thank you for the suggestion. It worked perfectly on the small text building I put in the yard of this home and then erased the main home, property, etc. When I opened up the roof planes of this area and each roof plane on the home, "Use Room Ceiling Finish" was checked. If it was already part of the autobuild, any ideas on why the Build Roof / Structure dbx was checked as well?


Also, this is the first time I have used the @ symbol to point to a user. Please let me know if I needed to place it somewhere else.


Thank you,



Porch Roof.png

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2 hours ago, KnotSquare said:

Also, this is the first time I have used the @ symbol to point to a user. Please let me know if I needed to place it somewhere else.


It will go green when done right , I think your comma on   glenww,  means it didn't work above




"Use Room Ceiling" is a Default in the build Roof DBX



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Please look up two paragraphs for the pictures I attached. I used the @ symbol incorrectly the first time, but Kbird1 showed me how to fix it.


This worked as you said in that simple model I put together from a Save As of the real model. I am unable to rid myself of extra ceiling layers in the real model using this same technique as hoped. I am sharing an image of the porch covered roof where the extra layers are visible end on. This model is quite large, but if you (or anyone) need it to check what is going on, I will simplify it and share it out.


Thank you for the suggestion. It worked perfectly on the small text building I put in the yard of this home and then erased the main home, property, etc. When I opened up the roof planes of this area and each roof plane on the home, "Use Room Ceiling Finish" was checked. If it was already part of the autobuild, any ideas on why the Build Roof / Structure dbx was checked as well?


Also, this is the first time I have used the @ symbol to point to a user. Please let me know if I needed to place it somewhere else.




Thank you,



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