Why Does The Corner Trim Look Darker Than Siding


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In the image below my corner trim, which has "exactly" all the same color properties as the siding, looks much darker:




I captured the siding color, jotted down all its color properties, then made sure the corner trim color was exactly the same.


Has anyone else noticed this sort of color difference?

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"I captured the siding color, jotted down all its color properties, then made sure the corner trim color was exactly the same"


Your siding is using a texture.  The texture has more then one color.  In fact, it probably has lots of different colors.  Which one are you using for your corner trim?


Depending on which color you use from the siding you could have darker or lighter looking trim.


If you are using the basic material color of the siding, the one that is used for vector views, I think this is the average color of the texture which includes the darker lines.  This color will always be darker then the color of the siding in between the lines.

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Although I would like to argue that what you say is wrong, my experience with what I did tells me you are right ... you hit the nail right on the head.  Somehow there's a difference and I don't understand it or why it is that way but apparently (obviously) it is.  I was beginning to think that somehow the corner trim and siding appear to have different colors because (in reality) the siding is actually on a slight angle from vertical and the scene lighting somehow displays the color differently.  Could that be it???  But a texture is just an image and their really isn't an angle ... !!!???


I would love to hear from one of the Chief color experts to give us a scientific reason why using the exact same color specs yields different colors in camera views.  Anyone up there in Chiefdom care to respond?  Dan/Kermit/Bryan/Adrean/John/Doug ... anyone???

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I think it all has to do with the fact that each material in Chief has both a color and a texture.  Normally, the color is used in vector views and the texture is used in render views.  If your material does not have a texture the color is used in both views. 


The picture you showed above looks like a render view which is why it is using the textures for most things.  The texture is really just a picture (jpg or png) that can have lots of different colors.  In fact, it can have a different color for every pixel in the jpg. 


When you said that you set the corner trim to use the same color as the siding, I think this is where the difference comes about.  I assume that you created a new material for the trim.  I assumed that you did not use the texture that the siding shows because this will look goofy for the trim.  So if you created a new material that is just using a solid color and not a texture, the question is "what color did you use?".   If you just copied the color that shows in material dialog for the siding, I think that color is the average of all the colors used in the texture.  Depending on what kind of texture you have, the average might be a pretty good match.  For siding, which has dark lines in the texture, the average is usually too dark. 


You can get a better color for the trim by opening up the siding material in a "paint" type program.  You can then use the paint program to figure out what color the siding is using in between the dark lines.  This color will not be a perfect match but it should look better then the average color.

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I appreciate your responses on this coloring issue.  I think your suggestion is pretty much what Joe suggested in the other thread Larry posted. 


I think what I am going to try is to open up the material definition dbx for the corner board(s) and use the color slider to lighten the color up a bit till it looks about right.  Since the customer isn't very interested in adding any curb appeal to their project, I like the darker corner trim look.  Nevertheless, I the customer wants to match the corner and other trim with the siding color since that's what they did on their recently built new shop using the same siding material. 


Thanks again for all the feedback.

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