Wall Tiling Materials


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See attached image of wall tiling that I have done following the "capture" methodology as per their tutorial, each horizontal layer/row is a different shade to the one below, why would this happen?

I have X15, and recently installed a new graphics card to accommodate new the Ray Trace requirement. 


REGARDS, NeilofOz.   

Untitled 1.png

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This is due to the tile image you are using, it is not lit consistently across the surface. To prevent 'tiling', be sure to use a seamless image. If you are taking an image from online, specify a seamless texture to get the best image. There are tools available which can help to reduce the tiling effect, this is one I've used https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/make-seamless-texture.php .  You can also try getting your textures from a site such as Polygon. Substance Player is a great program which includes Tile Builder that will let you create your own image file quite easily, here's a ChiefTalk thread on the topic which includes  link to download Substance Player:


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4 hours ago, ericepv said:

This is due to the tile image you are using, it is not lit consistently across the surface


I think Eric maybe correct, you could try lowering the contrast of the original image ( Win 10/11 Photos ) and then reload it into the Texture in Chief.






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