posts for covered decks


Go to solution Solved by glennw,

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On 7/15/2023 at 1:12 AM, glennw said:

Go back up to the top rail and reverse it.


23 hours ago, SHCanada2 said:

..well that worked, plus change the end type to none to eliminate the post at the wall, and then changed the newels on the right railing wall to 4" and voila

thanks Glenn. That was a long haul.     Now we all know how to get it to that look..from scratch




Hmmm sounds like it does have something to do with Wall direction then after all......... sometimes in the past I cold get it and sometimes not, and had given up and was just place the full posts manually as it was less frustrating :)




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26 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said:

i'm thinking the specific sequence of operations set something in the program which is not visible ...thats my theory


Chief has always liked things drawn in a clockwise fashion, though they say that is no longer really necessary, but is generally still my SOP.



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  • 1 year later...
On 10/29/2021 at 12:40 AM, SH_Canada said:

I'm having problems just getting 2 posts to show up on a covered porch. I can live with 2 plus two at the house. But whenever I add the stairs CA creates 2 new posts at the stairs or just 1 if I move the stairs to the corner perfectly). I fiddled with the spacing but to no avail. images with and without stairs are below. Is there a way to just get two posts on the corners, through the railing wall configuration without having to draw posts? I had a heck of a time just getting those four. It seems like all three railing walls have to have post to ceiling in order to get the two corner posts (but then by setting the two little walls to post to ceiling, I get the posts next to the house). I've had this problem before and chose to put in posts manually, which is NEW PLAN 20x72.plannot ideal.


I watched the CA video, but it shows the posts beside the stairs, and the actual video has no stairs









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