egress window


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I created a two story ranch home that has a basement and a first level.  I was able to create the foundation and interior fine but I need to put windows in the basement and cannot figure out how.  The window will go on the interior walls but will stop at the foundation wall.  I can create an egress on the outside with a hole through terrain build but the window will not go through the foundation wall.  I'm guessing I did something wrong in the creation...but I am completely clueless.  Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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  • 3 years later...

This is why people that answer forum posts and then later delete their answers should be beaten with sticks.


If you have a foundation wall that is concrete and a separate interior wall that is framed, you need to make sure the framed wall is right up against the foundation wall without a gap.  If you need a gap, then you will need to make a new wall type that has the gap built in. 


If the walls are snapped together than the window should go through automatically.  If it doesn't you can check in the window dialog to see if the window is marked as "through".  


If this doesn't help you solve your problem, then you probably need to post your plan.


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10 hours ago, DBCooper said:

This is why people that answer forum posts and then later delete their answers should be beaten with sticks

DEFINETLY..  it sounds like she was talking to herself.


Instead of two walls, why not build one wall with all you need, using a concrete exterior and a furred wall on the inside?  In the wall DBX, unlimited options for building this wall out.

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