Save As without changing Layout link to current plan


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I think this might've been asked before but I cannot find it.

I want to create a copy of my current plan using Save As, but I don't want all my drawing links in the Layout to get updated to the new plan version.  Usually I do want that behavior but in this case I do not... so how can I prevent it from happening?

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Actually, if the Layout isn't open you should be able to use "Save As" for your Plan without it effecting the Layout(s).  AFAIK, only the Layout knows what the linked files are.  I don't think it's a 2-way street.


Best would be to try it with a dummy Layout and Plan to see what happens.

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1 hour ago, DzinEye said:

I want to create a copy of my current plan using Save As, but I don't want all my drawing links in the Layout to get updated to the new plan version.  Usually I do want that behavior but in this case I do not... so how can I prevent it from happening?


If you do a Save As and change the Plan name, you will automatically unlink the new plan from the layout file.  Chief has a goofy behavior though where the open layout will start displaying information based on the current plan file.  The links are only temporary though and have not actually been changed.  To address this, I usually just close the layout down and then open it right back up.  Been that way for a long time.  I really should report it.  I don't like it.  Is that what you're talking about?

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4 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:


If you do a Save As and change the Plan name, you will automatically unlink the new plan from the layout file.  Chief has a goofy behavior though where the open layout will start displaying information based on the current plan file.  The links are only temporary though and have not actually been changed.  To address this, I usually just close the layout down and then open it right back up.  Been that way for a long time.  I really should report it.  I don't like it.  Is that what you're talking about?

Wow... yes, I didn't know it, but that's what I'm talking about.  It happened to me a couple days ago, and since I didn't know that, I went through and relinked all the files in the Layout to the older plan file.  Aye-yai-yai...that definitely is not a good behavior.  So glad I got your explanation. I think this can explain many moments of absolute confoundment over the years.  

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