Basement Floor Non-Existant


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My basement floor doesn't seem to exist. I've changed all the different heights, even deleted the garage, but whenever I rebuild the foundation it doesn't show up at all. The floor finish shows up fine, however there is no floor underneath. Attached are the specifications for the basement structure as well as a render showing that the floor stops at the floor finish underlay.




Interestingly, if I copy the first floor into a new plan, then auto-build the foundation, the basement floor appears fine. Is there a setting I've ticked off or something? All the layers are on, it is not a hidden layer issue. The room type is unspecified. Changing it to a slab just makes the floor finish disappear but does not add the floor.


EDIT: I've attached the plan file as well.

H Cottage- Copy.plan

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  • Solution

I think the problem lies with your material definition for the basement floor.


You have your flooring material defined as Concrete, but you have this Concrete material Type defined as a Framing material. 

Why do you have this defined as a framing material - try changing it to Concrete Material Type..

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