Elevations Not Showing Up


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Hello Everybody! I created and elevation and put notes and dimensions on as needed. I saved and closed the elevation. When I reopened it, all the notes and dims are there but the house front elevation is not. If I create a new front elevation, the house shows up in that one. Any idea why this would be happening? Thanks for the help!

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If you used a back-clipped cross section or elevation camera you might have moved the saved camera icon for that view beyond the back-clip plane, thus making anything beyond that back-clip point invisible.


It could be layers turned off for that camera view type (check and see).


It will be one or the other I think.



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This is what happened. When I went to send the completed elevation to a layout, I got an error message and it closed down chief architect. When I reopened chief, the elevation was gone so I created another one of the same view. When I was done with that one, I saved and closed it, just to test it before sending it to the layout. When I reopened it, the notes and dims were there, but not the elevation. I sent to a layout just to see what would happen. Only a partial elevation showed up with the notes and dims. When I have the elevation open, event though I cannot see the elevation, I can click on where its suppose to be and it will "high light" but not show up.

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