Ugh!! My Sections are missing!


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So I just completed a plan - spent about 3 hours putting my notes and things on 5 sections. The client wanted a few changes so I opened the plan and see that I have no sections. I looked at my archives - nope! - I have is saving every 2 minutes. Is there hope are does this happen and I just have to get to work again?

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I put them together and on the layout - so did not need to go into the Project Browser to open them.

I added my section lines, added my details to the sections, and placed them into the layout. I save often and I updated a few times when I made some updates to the sections.

Now the section lines are gone, the sections are still in the layout - with no notation. 

And the sections do not exist in the Project Browser.

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13 minutes ago, stevenyhof said:

I put them together and on the layout - so did not need to go into the Project Browser to open them.

I added my section lines, added my details to the sections, and placed them into the layout. I save often and I updated a few times when I made some updates to the sections.

Now the section lines are gone, the sections are still in the layout - with no notation. 

And the sections do not exist in the Project Browser.

This doesn't clearly explain what type of view you sent to layout, the type of you view that you detailed, or how (if) you sent the views to layout.

When a section or elevation view is sent to layout, it is automatically saved, no action required. It would appear in the project browser.

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15 minutes ago, stevenyhof said:

I added my section lines, added my details to the sections, and placed them into the layout. I save often and I updated a few times when I made some updates to the sections.

Now the section lines are gone,

In exactly what type of view are you adding lines, details and notes?

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I guess it is not my day. So I was working on the next job and putting things together on the layout. I have all my elevations, and my floor plan in place. I was working on a cross section and just completed it. I saved it into the Browser with Save Active View, and it went in there, and took a break.


When I came back, I was messing with my printer and accidentally hit the power button to the whole system. After I rebooted I went back into the job and my section was gone and in fact there is no layout. I checked the Archives and there was an older copy - no layout exists.


So, now I am a bit gun shy. I had my autosave set to 5 minutes, but how often does the archives save a backup? And, does the system save the layout in the same place or somewhere else? Again, I am starting over and putting things back into a new layout.

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If you had a layout opened that was not saved to that file you might open up your template layout and see if there is an autosaved copy there.  Might be able to recover it.  But it's good practice that as soon as you start a layout to save as to the right file location.


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1 minute ago, rgardner said:

If you had a layout opened that was not saved to that file you might open up your template layout and see if there is an autosaved copy there.  Might be able to recover it.  But it's good practice that as soon as you start a layout to save as to the right file location.


Nothing in my template folder - it typically saves to the same folder as my .plan file.

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