A Few Problems With Walls, Doors And Base Mold


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1) The walls for 1, 2 & 3 need to be 84" tall and not go to the ceiling as 3 does. 1 is a half wall with a door in it and will not put a door header in it. How can I put 84" high walls with in a space that has cathedral ceilings? And then put doors in those walls to behave properly? Door 1 does need a header as it is to be a pocket door.


2) The glass shower wall has a base mold on the out side as it is following the room requirements. How do I make the molding not go around the shower wall as I show? I want glass to the floor. BTW, the shower glass wall is also a half wall, but no head is required.


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Its hard to tell whether we are getting through to you or not. It would be really nice if you would give us some feedback.  It can really be frustrating to take a bunch of time helping people and never hear whether we fixed your problem or not, and if so, which solution it was...and maybe even a small thank you.  The point of this forum is for us to help each other.  Even if you don't have a lot to offer at this point in the way of advice, you could at least offer us some feedback as I mentioned above so we (and others) could all learn from it. 


With regard to your questions.  Hopefully we answered number 2 above. As for number one...I would personally probably not use a railing wall as you did, but would manually use the edit handles and drag the wall down in plan view to make it shorter.  There may be a better way, but that's my advice.    

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Its hard to tell whether we are getting through to you or not. It would be really nice if you would give us some feedback.  It can really be frustrating to take a bunch of time helping people and never hear whether we fixed your problem or not, and if so, which solution it was...and maybe even a small thank you.  The point of this forum is for us to help each other.  Even if you don't have a lot to offer at this point in the way of advice, you could at least offer us some feedback as I mentioned above so we (and others) could all learn from it. 


With regard to your questions.  Hopefully we answered number 2 above. As for number one...I would personally probably not use a railing wall as you did, but would manually use the edit handles and drag the wall down in plan view to make it shorter.  There may be a better way, but that's my advice.    

I do appreciate all the help, but with all the learning of Chief and juggling 3 big projects and only just completing my second month in a new job, it has be like drinking from a fire hose. So some things have been falling through the cracks. I have not been able to try the techniques suggested here. Would it help if I send you flowers? ;)

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I was able to do a complex combination of settings to accomplish my first question with setting ceiling heights, ceiling thickness, making auto generated walls invisible and or making the second floor open to below. I do not remember what combination worked in the end. I still need to try number two.


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