Scaling already created leader/text and annotations


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I am wondering if Chief Architect has a way to change already created leader lines, text and annotations from 1/4" scale to 1/8" scale?

For example, I have an exterior elevation of my building. I create all the leaders/text in  my 1/4" annotation set (lots of information on one elevation). Then I send that to layout and realize it will only fit at 1/8" scale (yes, I realize I can add another page and have everything at 1/4" scale) BUT in this scenario, I want to quickly change all the work I've done from my 1/4" annoset to my 1/8" annoset... in CAD this is very simple and only requires a bit of re-adjusting of the annotation locations, but in CA I haven't found a way to do it? If I change the text size, then the leader lines are all still at the old scale, and if I take the time to manually adjust both, by the end they have disconnected an it's a total waste of time. I end up re-writing all the annotations in the new scale and essentially have two sets of the same annotations, one turned on and the other turned off. Double the work. Probably an easier way?



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If you use standard text for your notes with arrows, you can rescale text based on layer (and thus layer defaults). Won't work with Rich Text. Unfortunately, arrows don't have this same capability. So, you can either live with larger arrows, or group select and resize the arrowheads, which doesn't really take that long.

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Just select all of them by layer using the 'Match Properties', and use the 'transform replicate' tool to double the size. A nother simple way would be be to use the 'All Off' layer set, then turn on your text, then marquee select all, and use the 'transform replicate' tool to double the size.

You could make a copy of them at the same time, and place them on a separate layer for 1/8" scale text.

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Perfect, this is the simpler way to do it Robdyck, thanks.


Interesting about the Rich text vs simple text Richard, I create everything in Rich text (that just how I set up my standards) but now I'll have to brush back up on the general text dialogue, probably does what I expect the Rich text to do....


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12 minutes ago, NectarDesign said:

probably does what I expect the Rich text to do....

Maybe in this scenario, but the formatting for Rich Text is so much more versatile, as you probably already know. I use Rich Text for almost everything. However, I also realize Std. Text has its advantages in certain situations.

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