dimensions for roof framing only?


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A city is requesting a separate dimensioned roof plan.  Is there a way to direct the auto dimension tool to snap to the fascia on the roof framing plan? It seems like I can use the Roof Dimension Defaults to place those dimensions on a separate layer.  I attempted to create Auto Dimensions with the default settings to "surface" but that doesn't do what I intended.  Manually snapping them works great, but there are enough to make it onerous.  Thank you in advance.

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Hopefully someone will prove me wrong but I don't think it can be done Auto , and AFAIK Chief Dims will snap to the Subfascia (framing) not the outside of the True Fascia. ie they will snap to the back of the (true) Fascia board. Fascias are not depicted in Framing Plans but I guess you could turn off the Eave and Gable Fascia and just have sub-fascias on to get the right snaps.



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