Any Chief Architect user here in Tennessee


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Just thought it would be nice to see how many user we have in TN. and maybe get a group going, or if not to far maybe we can all get together and talk about the program the pro and con of it and help each other out. If interested  leave your name and email and  ill get back with you. Just a little info on me, I have been using chief sent x4 and been doing freelancing for the past 7 years.



Everett Elkins 

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  On 2/25/2020 at 1:20 AM, LeRoyWells said:

Hi    I am a custom home builder in Murfreesboro and I would love to get a user group together


LeRoy G Wells



I'm all in for a Nashville TN area user group. Let's set a date and place to make this happen. General question for those interested: when would usually be the best day / time to meet? Weekend, day during the week, evening during the week?


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