Lighting Inconsistent In Physically Rendered Model?


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I sent this in to tech as I can't seem to get consistent results with some lighting in this plan when using the physically based render. NICE feature BTW but I wonder if there's something easy I'm missing? SOLVED - I had the default 8 light max limit checked in the camera. Unchecked and it works great. Thanks to Mark Mc



physical rendering

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Can't look at plan right now, here's what I've found - it's different....

Less than 100% ambient occlusion, play with adjusting camera exposure,always use a lighting set (defaults to not doing that), avoid generated sky, never us generated sky with sun follows camera, helps to adjust the sun manually, can help to alter light lumens up drop off down and increase spread, one or two added lights that are directional with wide spread can be useful (play with height). Once you get a few that work cameras and lights can be refused and copied. 


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Thanks Mark but you are actually describing the problem. I have one and sometimes 2 of the under cabinet areas that light correctly 're-using' (copying) the light that works in to all 3 areas. One camera view will show the 2 areas lit as in the beginning of the video shows, then another camera view only shows the one area lit, but never all 3 at the same time. Were you able to view the vid or was your advice (much appreciated as always) just general PB Rendering advice?

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