Save Pdf File


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When I print a layout file using CA6 print PDF it generates a large file. Changing the DPI and using a zip file has had little impact on the file size. In many cases (16 MB) Is what is generated and this is too large to send as an email.  Does anyone have a better method to save a layout file in a smaller format and still print to an accurate scale. I am using CA X6

DWG files will not work for layout files.

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Is your hardware a MAC or a PC?


In a recent thread, dshall noted that he gets very large pdf files on a MAC (~85 MB) but small pdf files (~4 MB) on a PC. The issue is the MAC pdf printer driver - this is an Apple SW issue, not something the CA can correct.


If your hardware is a MAC, you might look for a different 'pdf printer driver' rather than the standard one. On the PC, there is a nice one called pdf995. It doesn't appear to run on the MAC but there might be something similar. Once installed, it just looks like a printer which you select and it creates the pdf file.

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I should have clarified a few items: I am running WINDOWS 7 on a Powerspec with an Icore 7, 16 GB ram and Nvidia 760 video card with 2 gigs of ram.

I have been using the CA6 PDF print driver to get the PDF file.  I just tried using PDF995 driver.  It reduced the file from 16 MB to 550 KB.

Hard to believe but so far it has worked on 2 files.

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