Dimension point markers


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There are several easy ways but start out by switching to the point marker tool, holding down the Shift key and marquis selecting all of them.  Now either...


A.  Change the marker radii to zero

B.  Assign the Invisible line style to the object or layer(s)

C.  Turn the layer(s) off

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Keep in mind those point markets are what controls the manual (Pt-2Pt) dimensions.  I personally make them much smaller by default, but leave them on since its the only visual indication that shows what the dimension extension is set to.  There is no attachment of the (Pt-2-Pt) dimension to any other object....


You could really screw something up if you turn those off completely and make adjustments thinking those dimensions are still accurate.

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Changing the radius works well, thanks! But I guess I'd like to set it up that those are always set to zero, or very small. I just cant figure where to do that in my dimension and anno set defaults.


For me, I find that when I dimension to something the diamond shaped marker that appears when you select a dimension is good enough to place exactly where the dimension should attach, even if you cant see the marker when the dimension isn't selected. My contractors keep getting confused by the extra lines of the point markers.

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Changing the radius works well, thanks! But I guess I'd like to set it up that those are always set to zero, or very small. I just cant figure where to do that in my dimension and anno set defaults.


You change it in the Annoset Marker definition. But keep in mind that this setting is for ALL Markers, not just the ones used by Point-to-Point Dimensions.



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