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  1. I think what you need to do is ensure that your post and your rail wall is the same size. Meaning that your 8-inch column should go into an 8-inch rail wall and the 2-inch difference will go away.
  2. Can someone please help me? I was following the instructions on how to create a murphy bed, and my bed shows up correctly in the dialog but when I do a 3d Preview is showing up very short and not like in the dialogue picture. Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong? see the pics attached and the plan. Chief Architect x15 Murphy Bed Issue.plan
  3. Hi MissJane I think what U need to do is in the fixture specification dialogue box, go to 2d block and click on generate after U have rotated the symbol to get a new CAD BLOCK select the new rotated symbol for your symbol. As for the Size you need to resize the symbol to the manufacturer specification in the same dialogue box. Feel free to send me the information so that I could generated this symbol for you. Also, I would love to help with the other product files just send them here or message me privately so that I could help with them.
  4. I have attached the plan file for this issue that seems to be in x15 for it does not exist in x14 or x13. I have notice that it came with the new specification Panel Size (label 2) in x15 door specification panel. This happens when I have my finish floor to bottom set to 0 (label 1), if I change this to maybe 1/16 it then adds a bottom casing below the door as well as a white box which appears like a threshold, but it is not. I have attached an image of the setting box indicating some of my settings. Door Issue.plan
  5. Can someone please help me. Why is the door showing up with a space under it when I set the "from finish floor to bottom" offset to zero. When I change this figure to something like 1/8" it then creates a white portion where the threshold would be even though this is turned off and also Z fighting with my floor finish at the exterior wall face. Did not have this issue with x14.
  6. does anyone know what the portion under the door is and how to get rid of it or fix it. As highlighted in the attached image. I have extended the wall below floor but the portion below the door shows up like that. how do I ensure the door is not affected by this. thanks in advance
  7. Hi All I took to opportunity to model this latch. The material can be adjusted to suit your needs. The chief file attached has three files in it one with the complete latch and the other two are the male part and the female part. Large Oval Cabinet Latch - Rejuvenation.calibz
  8. @DeLayDesign nice model. could you share the skp file so I can do some cleanup they are some holes in the model. Thanks
  9. HI ALL After reading this thread I went ahead and got the tub RobUSMC was asking for and cleaned it and created a chief symbol from it. Trust U like it and it meet ur needs. Bathtub-BainUltra-Esthesia-6436.calibz