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    Forest Knolls, CA.

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  1. The issue I have is that when I take the proposed floorplan to a layout page and print to PDF, the proposed floorplan line weights is very heavy so that is is not legible. I turned them off prior to sending them to layout. Likely a silly setting that caused this, but I have been trying to find the issue for 3 hours and thought I would see if someone can help. Thanks in advance.
  2. In California the powers that be want to make it as difficult as they can to get your project passed the permit stage. More and more cities are requiring isometric piping drawings and sizing for bathroom, kitchen or new gas appliance installations. And I can’t even find plumbers that know how to do it. I am reaching out to see if someone in this forum have the knowledge to do these drawings and can take my drawings and do the piping drawings.
  3. I am looking for someone that can do isometric gas and water line drawings for my additions. Also the pipe sizing. Do you happen to know someone that can do those drawings?
  4. In California the powers that be want to make it as difficult as they can to get your project passed the permit stage. More and more cities are requiring isometric piping drawings and sizing for bathroom, kitchen or new gas appliance installations. And I can’t even find plumbers that know how to do it. I am reaching out to see if someone in this forum have the knowledge to do these drawings and can take my drawings and do the piping drawings.
  5. Thank you. Sometimes it is the easiest solutions that I can't find.
  6. I have this dialog box come up for some unknown reason when I go to delete anything in Plan mode. The dialog asks "Do you want to delete the selected object? Generally, when you do some functions, it will allow you to turn off the warning but not now for some reason. Wondering if someone might know how I can turn this off. Thank you in advance.
  7. Wow, we have surendered our rights and whether we are good people or not to a computer. Wild.
  8. I have always tried to be respectful of other members that have helped me with Chief problems on this site. Most are very helpful which makes for a great support system. Although there are people that believe in a cancel culture mentality. Instead of sharing an issue they have with someone and seeing if maybe they misunderstood the other, they enjoy rating them like a poor restaurant where the food and service are bad. I did not even realize that this forum allows others to rate other users. But yes, sadly they do. To the person or persons giving me such outstanding reviews, I feel sorry for you that you need to disparage someone to make yourself feel more important. Get a life, your no more important than the next guy.
  9. Its a large barn area that has hanging fixtures inside and wall sconces on the outside. No chandelier.
  10. I am using X14. I have mine set for 40. This little plan only has 6 outside and 8 inside lights. Cameras were set for 20 and I changed them all to 200. Still a puzzle.
  11. Kbird, I know that it must be a setting issue. I have both checked. In camera view the inside lights show as on and the outside lights are off and the Raytrace show both as off.
  12. When I am in camera mode exterior, I see the inside and outside lighting but when I go to Ray Trace the lights are all off.