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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. I don't think you're missing anything. The Plan View displays the Roof Overhang to the exterior face of the subfascia, and it displays the Roof Plane to the exterior of the fasica/shadowboard. I believe the Reference Manual is not consistent with what is actually displayed. And, there is the problem with the language used to explain Boxed Eaves and Default to Overhang.

  2. 1 hour ago, rgardner said:

    Automatic (well Floor trusses have to be done manually always but everything else automatic) with trusses snapping to the narrower wall:

    Ryan, I suspect the OP needs a full 8" thick wall below grade as shown in the detail, which is why an extended top-chord bearing is necessary. Truss bearing length may also be an issue. These are design issues, but they manifest as Chief issues when attempting to model the conditions. It would be nice if the software would give us more control over truss end conditions.

  3. You can get close using a Pony Wall for the foundation wall and checking Wall Specification>Structure>Platform Intersections>Ceiling Platform>Hang Floor Platform Above on Wall. Draw a Floor Truss, modify it, lock it, then copy it across. You will still need some CAD work to clean up the sections, or you can not worry about modeling the condition and simply reference the nice detail you have.



  4. 15 minutes ago, armfx89 said:



    May I ask why it's raising the floor of the 2nd floor bedroom as well??


    The projected areas of the porch ceiling and the 2nd floor bedroom overlap. If the porch ceiling is at 12', and the bedroom floor is at 10', something has to give. If you raise the porch ceiling, Chief is going to raise the bedroom floor. If you lower the bedroom floor, Chief will lower the porch ceiling. You can't have it both ways.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, rlackore said:


    It does work. Set you camera backclip to 0mm.


    The reason you're seeing the "gap" after using my "fix" is because the camera is picking up the wall beyond, which also has a sill plate. With a concrete deck, I doubt that you want a wood sill plate on top of your masonry walls, so getting rid of the sill plate not only fixes the visual issue, but is probably more correct IRL.

  6. Select the pony wall, change the Display in Plan View setting to show the bottom wall, then use the Edit Wall Layer Intersection tool to correct the issue. Should work, but it can be tricky.

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  7. Digging through all my old references, I've found a few that advise that the horizontal length of the footing should not be less than 2 feet. So, length should be no less than 2 feet, and drop should be no greater than 2 feet. Unless engineered, of course. I advise using a haunch in the footing at the step.

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  8. Short or long depends on the site characteristics. My general rule of thumb is to try and keep segments a minimum of 5'-0" long, and to drop no more than 24" per step. These rules aren't always achievable, or desirable. I can't remember if there is a rational engineering basis for these rules. It's important to provide adequate horizontal reinforcement at the drops to help prevent cracking at the reentrant  corner formed at the drop. Here's how I annotate these conditions in Chief:



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