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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. Just spit-balling, but it looks like the kitchen ceiling has been lowered by:

    1. unchecking Room Specification>Structure>Ceiling>Flat Ceiling Over This Room

    2. and then drawing a manual ceiling plane


    This will result in what I see in your picture, which I assume is the subfloor (or roof?) sheathing above. Of course, it's just one guess, based on a single picture, so who knows?

  2. On 4/3/2021 at 8:03 PM, Dermot said:

    If you select the terrain perimeter, you can use the Make Terrain Hole Around Building tool to generate the default hole and then edit the shape as needed.


    Thanks for this nugget - I didn't know that tool existed. I always use manual terrain holes to fine-tune things, and this tool will save some time.

  3. 20 hours ago, CADustin said:

    So if our simple groove of a downward sloping pixel, a flat pixel, and an upward sloping pixel "\_/" can't be any smaller than 3 pixels, and if you have 512 pixels for the whole image, the grout line can only be so thin, no matter what the grout slider is set at.  Increasing the pixel count up to 1024 or 2048 gives you a lot more play with the grout slider since you have more pixels to play with and the ratio of 3pxl grout to 48.2pxl tile is a lot clunkier than 3pxl to 201.8pxl (at 2048x2048.)


    Dustin, thanks for the explanation. And Rob, thanks for asking the question.

  4. 8 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Do all you guys realize that that beam pockets are (or at least can be) fully automatic?  All I did was draw 4 foundation walls and place a beam...


    I can't achieve that behavior. The beam will cut the other framing members (sill plates), but it won't cut a pocket in the foundation wall:


  5. I use a Rich Text Box with macros for my room labels in plan view (credit to Alaskan Son for the %room.schedule_number% when I was pulling my hair out like you):



    ...then I create a Room Finish Schedule in a CAD Detail and modify as desired:



    I like this method because I can drag the schedule rows around and instantly rearrange the room order and it's automatically updated in the room labels.

  6. Looking at your detail, if I were the plan reviewer, I'd want to know how you're achieving a 1-hour rating on the underside of the eave. The soffit detail I prefer uses two layers of 5/8" glass-mat gypsum panel (or equivalent), edge joints staggered and blocked, with an intumescent fire caulk where it butts against the 1-hour exterior wall assembly.

  7. 6 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    I'm just saying this may explain the reasoning. Maybe, maybe not, how would I know?:)



    When the Insulated Concrete Wall is used as an exterior wall, in order for the Fire Resistance Rating to remain valid from both sides of the wall, the gypsum wallboard on the exterior face of the exterior wall may be substituted with minimum 25 mm thick concrete or masonry mechanically fastened to the supporting Insulated Concrete Wall independent of the EPS insulation.


    Sure, fair enough. Maybe I'm giving the plan reviewer too much credit for being able to determine the minimum requirement within the context of the entire paragraph.

  8. Yes, it's easy if you use callouts for the labels:

    Create schedule #1.

    Duplicate schedule #1.

    Open schedule #2 and uncheck Labels>Use Callout for Label.


    This will give you two schedules, only one label (in both plan and elevation), perfectly in sync.


    • Upvote 1
  9. 12 hours ago, mtldesigns said:

    Does this make sense to anyone? 


    No. Isn't Florida's residential code based on the IRC? Referring the local officials to R302.3, and providing the Nudura details and listed details, should be sufficient to make your case. 


    2 hours ago, robdyck said:

    This is what you want to provide. Read Note #4 (near the end) and that will explain why they want 2 layers of 5/8" at the exterior walls.



    Note #4 only requires 1/2" type-x; if you're not using the 1/2" type-x, then you can use 1" of a concrete masonry product.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Ty_Tradeswork said:

    .... but being able to create accurate framing is arguably more important for me. Chief can obviously do the framing in an instant...


    Don't forget that Chief only draws framing - it doesn't design framing. Unless you are willing (and able) to hand-jam the calculations, you'll need to invest in specialty structural design software. Empirical design and span tables will get you only so far. Not to mention that there are professionals who have dedicated their entire careers to mastering single disciplines such as timber framing.


    I don't know how old you are, or where you are in life, but here's a suggestion: get a job with a multi-disciplinary firm, spend 10 years learning how the industry works and what's involved. Let someone else pay you to learn the software, the shortcuts, the process, etc.


    But, we need risk-takers and visionaries to move the industry forward, so I wish you the best of luck and extraordinary success. Seriously.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Ty_Tradeswork said:

    So, rather than just continue to ask the same question, of "which program is best for me", allow me to just ask this one last question:


    Clearly, modern, unconventional buildings do exist. My pinterest board of photos proves that. Clearly, SOMETHING must have designed these buildings. SOME program MUST have designed the model, and the construction drawings, or else you just wouldn't be able to build the thing... so... what was it? What CAD/BIM program DID these modern builds use?  How did they come to be?  Is the answer really that it was just CAD/BIM drafters brute-forcing their way through the program limitations of Revit/ArchiCAD/Chief with a bunch of unpaid overtime? Is the answer really that unfortunately simple?


    Yes, the answer may be that simple. People design buildings - computer programs are just tools. Usually, you need several people, using several tools, to complete a design. You may wish to do everything yourself - and perhaps you're capable - but each design professional will choose the tools that work best for their scope of work. A surveyor won't use Chief. A structural engineer won't use Chief. Product suppliers and specialty contractors won't use Chief (maybe cabinet folks will). So if you truly are going to do everything yourself, you'll need to invest in more than one tool. In our office, a typical construction drawing set contains data generated from several design programs. We also rely on custom spreadsheets, checklists, and other tools that we've developed over the years. And of course, experience, research, and community collaboration are equally valuable. To Michael's point: you will not find a "holy grail" of CAD/BIM programs.


    Have you tried contacting the folks who designed the buildings shown on Pinterest, and asked what software they use? Perhaps you could find a local architect whose work matches your vision and directly discuss their technology and workflow; they may charge their normal fee, but it may be worth the investment.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Richard_Morrison said:

     but what you are indicating goes way beyond Chief's capabilities.


    I agree. Based on the projects displayed on your referenced website, it's my opinion that they could be done in Chief, but you will need a lot of workarounds and support from external programs.

    • Upvote 3